MaMassage for Postpartum Clients

MaMassage 603 Bergen St, Suite 203A, Brooklyn, NY, United States

This course provides in-depth knowledge needed to offer safe and effective massage treatments to postpartum clients. Students will reinforce their knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the body during postpartum recovery. Students will learn the complications and contraindications, as well as the benefits, indications, and cautions of postpartum massage. Students will discover massage techniques, […]


MaMassage® for Labor & Postpartum Clients

MaMassage 603 Bergen St, Suite 203A, Brooklyn, NY, United States

NYS & NCBTMB 8 CEUs This course provides in-depth knowledge needed to offer safe and effective massage treatments to laboring and postpartum clients. Topics will include: --Benefits of labor and postpartum massage --Self-care for pregnant clients leading up to labor --Developing an appropriate intake form for labor and postpartum clients --Effective and empathic communication with […]
