You want to be on your p’s and q’s when you’re exploring new studio spaces. We see it too often where a space looks pretty and perfect, but 6 months later you’re locked in and pissed off. 

Realtors aren’t exactly forthcoming with a lot of the nitty gritty details, so it’s on you to ask the right questions and to make sure it’s the best fit for you and your business. 

PS: We polled BABS to add to this list! Many of these are from personal experience by other bodyworkers.

Happy hunting! 

Ask these questions before you signed the dotted line:

Add your own questions to this list, and you’ll be well equipped to decide if you’re ready to say “yes, let’s do this!”

Lastly, please try not to be intimidated by this process. It’s important to be thorough, but trust yourself and you’ll find the perfect space for you!