Passive Movement Treatment Work
In-Person Class
9am-6pm Central Time Zone
Hampton Inn & Suites
5555 Sergeant Road
Sioux City, IA 51106
8 CE hours NCBTMB Approved Provider #748
• Hand out
• Private YouTube link to a video of all the moves
• NCBTMB Certificate of attendance
Are you tired of massaging a tight area on a client, only to have very little change in the tissue? Learn to incorporate movement into your treatment work. Allow the client’s body to do the hard work, and you just act as the anchor. It takes practice to remember to “work less,” we are taught that to get more results, we must use more effort. It’s not true! Re-learn in this class how to use less effort and get more results.
• Work problem areas with ease
• Gentle on the client
• Reduce over-use syndrome for the therapist
• Oscillation, Compression, Joint mobilization
• Passive and active stretching techniques
This course teaches treatment work that a massage therapist can easily incorporate into their existing massage. Using gentle passive joint movement and mobilization allows therapists to address their clients’ most frequent complaints, while the client is still in a deeply relaxed state. It’s easy on the clients and easy on the practitioner. Learn to approach “problem” areas with techniques that are non-fatiguing and reduce over-use syndrome for the practitioner.
Come to class ready to learn and practice! We will have a lot of hands-on practice time so that you can practice each movement and create muscle memory. You’ll also have the opportunity to receive each technique, so that you know how it feels for the client. This class is largely demonstration and hands-on practice.
You will receive a handout to take home so that you can remember all your favorite moves. You will also receive a link to a YouTube video of all the moves.
We will be working on each other fully clothed, so wear comfortable clothing.
Class Supplies to bring:
• Massage table
• Fitted bottom sheet
• Face cradle cover
Class is taught by Chantelle Williamson of Integrity Education, providing NCBTMB approved Continuing Education classes since 2014.